Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I just got some new facts about this oh-so-coward boy. Huahahaha.
I am sooo thankful that I already wake from this kind of nightmare which is dated him.
Yes, the facts are he is so pathetic, too obsess to woman, flirt to every girl, and always staring at girls BOOBS !
what kind of man is he?? Jerk!

Monday, April 27, 2009


ehm, akhir akhir ini gue agak mikir, mungkin bukan agak lagi ya emang mikir aja hehe (mau lo apa sih day?) ya gue mikirin masa depan gue, mau kuliah dimana gue,mau jadi apa, mau kerja apa,mau bikin apa, yaa you know lah dan sebagai nya sebagainya.
ehm okay gue udah test sana sini sana sini keluar duit banyak gatau berapa tapi belom ada yang bisa nerima gue jadi mahasiswa mungkin gue disuruh belajar lebih giat kali ya?
gue anak ipa pas simak dan ugm kemaren gue ambil ips murni, karena gue pengen banget masuk manajemen , dan gue juga berusaha keras buat masuk binus international dan prasetiya mulya business school, karna gue pikir ya walaupun itu universitas swasta tapi ga berarti universitas itu jelek kan? bahkan mungkin mereka lebih baik daripada universitas negri,
gue heran aja ya sama orang orang yang sangat sangat menggebu gebu dan sangat ngebela belain masuk negri dan harus negri padahal kan ga semua swasta itu jelek.
emang sih negri itu emang bagus bangeeeeet ya tau tau kayak ui itb ugm atau apalah nama universitas nya.
kalo menurut pendapat dan pemikiran gue ya, universitas negri itu cuma membangun mental pegawai dan otomatis bakalan jadi pegawai negri atau pegawai swasta. pait pait nya gaji pertama nya itu paling banter 1.5 juta. kecuali dia ngelanjutin usaha orang tua nya atau apalah itu, itu juga banyak yang nganggur.
gue ga muna, gue juga pengen masuk negri tapi keinginan gue masuk negri cuma buat ninggiin gengsi kali ya? ehmm gatau deh.
Intinya blog ini ya, sebenarnya inti nya gue cuma mau nekenin gak penting universitas yang lo masukin sekarang yang penting adalah lo bisa survive dan lo bisa buktiin seberapa sukses nya lo ntar nya.

maaf ya buat yang tersinggung. blog ini cuma isi hati gue

Monday, April 6, 2009

karma will come someday and somehow

This is my confession, I never ever expect that I dated the most coward person in the whole world! He dumped me like throwing a trash, do me like a thing that can he take and he throw whenever he want, he play me like a doll. What is my fault anyway? I always treat him like a prince, I always make him be the number 1 in my mind, my heart, everything! I always put his position in the top of the top in my life! And the most important thing is I looooved him so bad, but why he never ever respect me as his girlfriend. And now I'm so hopeless, why should I do then?
He's like killing me softly with this kinda hurt feelings. WHY????? -,-
Yes, maybe I'm bad but I swear he's gonna get the worse karma ever. He made me think this way. I never ever be this cruel before.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

lol :p

Since I forgot my password (again) yeah I make a new blog (again too).
Errrgh gosh! How could I forgot my password twice!
Ehm actually I've pending my blog writing for a long time,
because of that, I forgot my password. Many friend of mine asked me about my blog.
And that's the second reason why I make it again.
Okay, sorry if my english is bad, I'm not an expert in english anyway.

